The Joy of Exercise

Friday, March 28, 2014

...I don't have it. 

To me, the "runner's high" that people supposedly get is pure fiction, and to hear someone say that they "love working out" because it "makes them feel good" makes me want to pour hot coffee on their shirts (even though I don't even really drink coffee). When I see people running around the beautiful city of DC, either pre-dawn or post-sunset, I get the urge to push someone into the dirty water of the Potomac. 

This week, I tried a new gym/studio by my office, partially because there was a Groupon for it, partially because I'm vain and probably have some sort of body dysmorphia, and partially because I love and live with a man who likes to tell me that most of my klutziness and random body aches could be solved by living more healthily. So, for the first time in my life, I tried TRX, Barre/Pointe, and Stability ball classes. They were challenging, different, and made me feel like a balloon filled with pudding afterwards. No, I still don't like exercising. No, it's not really fun. 

But, I can see how the sense of superiority that people feel for having done something active and difficult during their day could keep them going back for more. That, I get. Whatever works, right? 

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