Minimalist Hoarder

Monday, March 24, 2014

In some respects, I am a super minimalist. I wear the same things over and over again, and when I like something, I'll buy it in multiples so that I have replacements ready when the originals get worn out or messed up. The color palette in my home generally consists of 4 colors: black, grey, brown, and white. I try not to get too sentimental and tend to donate/throw out things that have piled up every six months or so.

In other ways, I am a hoarder. Oh, do you need a shopping bag? You can take your pick - just leave alone these that I brought home with me from Europe. Have I ever used an empty shoe box? Nope, but there are 3 stacks of them in the spare closet, just in case that ever comes up. How many reserve Glade plug-ins does a 900sqft apartment actually need? We have 9. Thank you, Costco.

Spring cleaning is a sickness and I have it. I just want to go home, throw away anything that's not actually being used, and live in a clean and simple environment. But I honestly don't know how I'm going to just get rid of those (neatly stacked) mountains of Kinfolk and New Yorker magazines that I haven't even actually finished reading, yet. And what about this basket of throw pillows...does a household of two really need 12?

Don't even get me started on my closet.

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